Leonardo da Vinci's 'Salvator Mundi' sold at auction in 2017 for $450. million. (The highest price ever paid for a painting). When there is one of a thing - the original - it is valuable. If you made a trillion reprints and spread them around far and wide, they would be worth less (or even worthless). So... when the Fed prints trillions of dollars and spreads them around, or gives them away, eventually the dollar will be worthless. On that day, what will be of real value?
I am currently working on 'Shelter At Home', a book about preparing for an uncertain future for just plain o' folks like us. I don't see anything on the market like it. Most seem geared for those hard-corps preppers who want to arm to the teeth and head for the mountains. We just want to become more resilient and sustainable. We concern ourselves with home, family, and community.
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